Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Shotgun or Sniper

No, this isn't a post about how to attack your competition. Instead, it's about how targeting your advertising makes for more effective advertising.

AdSymetrix is based on the idea that the more you know about your advertising audience, the more you'll be able to sell to that audience. So that rather than just running around town throwing flyers at unsuspecting strangers, you're able to speak directly to the people most likely to respond to your message.

We think it's better to target your potential customers. Directly going after them where they are most likely to be. This is a sniper approach. Focusing on the best location for that single most effective ad that easily converts to a sale.

You can, however, do the shotgun approach. Throw a bunch of messages out into the public and hope that someone is hit. It's the difference between hiring someone to talk to your potential customer or buying an ad on the superbowl, hoping to get the same message out.

So when you see an article like this "TV Spots for Small E-Commerce Firms" in a recent inc magazine, you have to remember that just because you can doesn't mean you should.


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