Thursday, June 07, 2007

Pushing Your Message Everywhere

In Real Estate, the mantra is "location location location". In marketing the same thing could be said for repetition.

Recognition is but one step towards a sale, but it's an important one. That's why you see multiple locations for individual advertisements from a single organization. The repetition of message increases your ability to recall their services the next time you need something that they can sell.

As the current advertising market continues to splinter in to smaller and smaller groups, advertisers are looking for new ways to bring their message to more people, more often. One way that you're going to see more of is Branded Entertainment.

The idea behind branded entertainment isn't new. In the 1950s, Milton Berle was the biggest thing on television, and his show was called Texaco Star Theater. The brand Texaco taking top billing. Now you're more likely to see actual products showcased inside an episode than merely just the name of the company in the title, but the concept is the same.

Whether this works is still up in the air. Apple's gotten a lot of play out of always supplying Mac's to the good guys in movies and television shows, but their growing market percentage has more to do with their regular ads and innovative products than branded entertainment.

Ultimately, everything comes down to responses. And the best way to know whether your business decisions are the best business decisions is to us AdSymetrix. But you knew that already.

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