Thursday, July 05, 2007

Watching You Watching Them

NBC wants to know what you feel about their programming. Really feel. On a deep, involuntary level. That's why they've set up a panel of people to watch fast forwarded commercials while hooked up to all manners of scientific apparatus.

The hope is that by learning the body's reaction to ads, NBC can find ways to cram more advertising into your world. It's another attempt by television to make up new ways to combat the shrinking viewer audience.

They're not so concerned about the message, as they are the medium. If they can raise the value of an audience, or at least double the viewable inventory of ads, they can maintain their profit levels.

If only they had an easier way to know whether an ad was working.

AdSymetrix is that easier way. Simply Tag Your Ad and let AdSymetrix track and monitor the responses. It's a lot easier than wrapping someone up in sensors and hoping.

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